Andrey Trubin was born in 1984 in Western Europe into a family of engineers.
He experienced modest living conditions during his early years. Despite the financial constraints, Andrey's mother endeavored to cultivate a creative atmosphere for her children. She procured home albums featuring art, paintings, and reproductions of renowned artists to instill a sense of creativity and appreciation for the arts.
From a young age, Andrey showed a passion for painting and drawing. He started by emulating famous artists and gradually began experimenting with pencil graphics and watercolors. Unfortunately, many of his early creations were lost during relocation and their current whereabouts are unknown.
Since the age of 17, Andrey Trubin has actively pursued a series of extensive travels, undertaking numerous journeys to various countries. A passion for exploration and a deep-seated curiosity about the world and its diverse cultures have consistently marked the artist's endeavors.
During his travels, Andrey consistently carries a camera, actively seeking captivating shots. His particular focus lies in capturing images of people and nature. Consequently, Andrey Trubin compiles an extensive collection of photographs, numbering in the hundreds, from his various journeys.
Art Career
Trubin’s artworks are distinguished by the variety of motifs and materials. In trying various techniques, the artist attempted to establish the vector of his abilities and to understand what he was able to turn his hand to.
The period of significant creative output for the artist unfolded after the age of 30. At this juncture, Andrey Trubin engages in experimentation with diverse mediums and materials, concurrently undertaking multiple artistic endeavors. His interests span across photography, painting, and graphics. For Trubin, the material used in the artwork takes a back seat; paramount importance is placed on the plot and content of the work.
Trubin’s work encompasses painting, drawing, and photography. Influenced by various cultures, memories of childhood, and current events, he filters these references through an exploratory realm of emotions, spanning both autobiographical and broader cultural sensibilities.
Trubin does not categorize himself as a contemporary artist. Instead, his creations transcend temporal boundaries, engaging in a perpetual dialogue with the rich creative legacy of the world and other esteemed authors. Trubin's artistic expressions exude a profound contemplative essence, beckoning the observer to engage in thoughtful examination and study. His paintings encapsulate an enduring harmony of forms and hues, presenting a timeless synthesis of artistic elements.
"In the process of creating art, I consistently draw upon sources of inspiration in my immediate surroundings, including nature, naive art, folk art, and the oeuvre of fellow artists," Trubin says.
Trubin adeptly manipulates color and forms, skillfully amalgamating hues and objects on the canvas to evoke a desired painterly impression. The compositions are laconic and constructed using the balance of geometry and the painterly mark. Trubin paint not separate objects but the relationships between them. The artist articulates his perspective on his paintings as follows:
"In the realm of painting, my primary focus lies in the intricate interplay of colors and shapes. Colors and objects on the canvas engage in a harmonious interaction akin to sounds in music. They mutually amplify and complement each other, relegating the subject of the painting and its materiality to a secondary role in comparison to color and composition. To achieve this objective, I deliberately simplify the representation of objects in the image, causing them to assume a flattened form and relinquish their three-dimensional volume."
Throughout your entire creative career, Trubin has been drawing. For Trubin, drawing is an independent artistic genre, but not a preparation for painting. It is a constant experiment, search and elucidation of the boundaries of the materials and his own abilities. It is an opportunity to analyze various types of his own spatial perception — architectural, sculptural, linear — and look at his paintings from another angle.
Trubin's artistic sphere appears deceptively simple and uncomplicated at first glance. However, upon closer scrutiny, his paintings assume a surreal quality, conveying a myriad of emotions such as joy, anxiety, or excitement.
Trubin's work is heavily informed by the atmospheres present in various aspects of his life, where he witnessed social, political, and economic changes. The artist often leaves the origin and raison d'être of the forms within his paintings up to interpretation, allowing the viewer to step into his world and form their own reading of the work.
Concerning photography, Andrey Trubin exhibits a primary interest in genres such as documentary, travel, and street. One of the focal themes prevalent in Trubin's body of work is dance, with a particular emphasis on ballet. He employs his craft as a means to capture compelling moments without disrupting the natural flow of events. Trubin emphasizes, "I abstain from staged photographs; all my works are authentic, devoid of contrived scripts. The essence of my photographs lies in the narrative. Consequently, I often eschew color, opting instead for black and white imagery, which allows me to concentrate on the core of the story."
Regarding his personality, Trubin is a reserved and private individual. He refrains from engaging in crowded events and seldom makes public appearances.

See also
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